| Gaalingua Languages & Education | Péter Gaál

About Péter Gaál/Gaalingua Languages & Education is a privately managed website specialising in languages and education, available free of charge. The information and free services offered on the site do not pursue any commercial interests, and no profits are generated. is operated by Péter Gaál, a freelance language teacher, translator, and author from Bonn.

Péter Gaál/

The site is aimed at all language enthusiasts, but especially at the many students personally known to the author, as well as former students from his language courses.

IMPORTANT: No commercial services or courses are offered on this site. Therefore, any such enquiries will be ignored. If you are interested in courses, lessons, or other paid, commercial language services, please feel free to contact language schools, translators, or other language service providers. Thank you for your understanding!

The numerous exercise materials, reference collections (link collections), information, and vocabulary lists available on this site are offered voluntarily and free of charge by the author, following the motto "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth." For this reason, I kindly ask you to refrain from requesting special/new/additional free materials or expansions of such offers.

About me:

· Secondary school focus: Languages/Humanities

· Extended stay abroad with school attendance in Hungary (Szeged)

· University studies in languages in Germany

· Intensive language teacher seminar with internship/observation at the Steinke Institute in Bonn

· Before and during my studies: Office work for various companies

· Several stays abroad during school and university

· Since university: Many years of experience as a language trainer (lecturer) and translator both in Germany and abroad

Professional experience in the following areas:

· Language teaching for various target groups and nationalities with different proficiency levels (DSH preparation, TestDaF preparation, German courses from A1 to C2, conversation courses, German courses for medical professionals, Hungarian lessons, Polish lessons, Latin courses, Latinum preparation);

· Training new language trainers/teachers (language teaching seminars);

· Childcare and youth work;

· Translations;

· Office and organisational work;

· Computers and the Internet (various office programmes: MS Office, OpenOffice, LibreOffice; DTP; website creation and maintenance)


· "Skript und Literaturliste zum Sprachlehrerseminar. Als Handreichung zu meinen Sprachlehrerseminaren für Fremdsprachenlehrer"

Free or at cost price in my language teaching seminars.

· Numerous exercise materials for German as a foreign language (DaF), Hungarian, Polish, Latin, and Turkish. All available free of charge as part of my lessons or included in the course fees at the respective language schools, and freely downloadable via services like and

· "Alle Präpositionen von A bis Z mit Beispielen und Übersetzungen (Arabisch, Chinesisch, Englisch, Russisch, Spanisch, Türkisch). Deutsch als Fremdsprache"

E-book, hardcover, and paperback.

· Peter Berchem & Péter Gaál: "Stell spinks der Ovend en mie Märcheland. Einige der schönsten und bekanntesten Gedichte Peter Berchems. Ausgewählt und ins Hochdeutsche übersetzt von Péter Gaál"

Hardcover and paperback.

· "Kölsch–Deutsch-Wörterbuch"

Online publication.

· "Präpositionen üben. A1–C2. Deutsch als Fremdsprache"

E-book, ring-bound, and paperback.

· "Alte Ungarische Wörter/Régi Magyar Szavak. Eine Sammlung alter, veraltender und vergessener ungarischer Wörter/Régi, elavulóban lévő és elfelejtett magyar szavak gyűjteménye"

E-book, hardcover, and paperback.

Hobbies: My family and friends, foreign languages, travelling, reading, sports (running, strength training, hiking, martial arts ...), cultural exchange, music, computers (e.g. Linux), engaging and intellectually stimulating conversations


· "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" (attributed to Ambrose of Milan; widely known in English; original in Latin: "si fueris Romae, Romano vivito more; si fueris alibi, vivito sicut ibi")

· "A lost ounce of gold can be found. A lost ounce of time, never."

· "Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today."

· "There are four kinds of people in the world who participate in a conversation:

  1. Someone who knows nothing and knows that he knows nothing. He is a student, teach him.

  2. Someone who knows, and others know that he knows. He is a teacher, learn from him.

  3. Someone who knows but does not know that he knows. He is modest, encourage him.

  4. Someone who knows nothing and does not know that he knows nothing. He is foolish, avoid him." (Muhammad ibn Idrīs ash-Shāfi‘ī/‏محمد بن إدريس الشافعي‎)

Online activities: You can find my teaching materials or dictionary entries on the following platforms:

Teaching materials by Péter Gaál on
Teaching materials by Péter Gaál on
Dictionary entries by Péter Gaál on

Gaalingua | Hauptseite | Kontakt | Gaalingua von A-Z | ©2009–2020 / Gaalingua Sprachen & Bildung | Letzte Aktualisierung: Dienstag, 08. Oktober 2024